Monday, March 19, 2007

  1. my lungs refuse to cooperate and i can't breathe. PLUS! i WILL NEVER go for surgery for that matter.
  2. my tear duct is working BIG time.
  3. my friend's behaving like she's lived in a nutshell all her life(but she' not cause i've been by her ALMOST all her life. well,not technically..but ALMOST.)
  4. i WILL NOT pin-up or hairband my fringe on the day of investiture or any other day.
  5. i am eating a cube of sugar for lunch.
  6. someone apparently bothers what i put in my bag which he bears deep HATRED for(i will continue using it!)
  7. & i do not appreciate the fact that he also HATES what i have in it.
  8. i totally SUCK in maths. guess what i got for my surprise test?! 0/15
  9. i can't seem to play netball for nuts.
  10. i feel so screwed:'/
  11. i left all the theory questions on my D&T test blank except for the isometric drawings and if i get them right,i'll pass by a mark.but chances are like...NIL.
  12. i failed my maths test..again. just,i got 0.
  13. i've not seen Ryan in days and i miss him..**pouts**

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